
Showing posts from March, 2018

A curated list of technical talks and articles about real-world enterprise frontend development

Facebook This browser tweak saved 60% of requests to Facebook Building High-Quality JavaScript Tools Facebook has 30,000 react components. How do you manage large project directories with many components? React 16: A look inside an API-compatible rewrite of our frontend UI library Behind the Scenes: Improving the React Repository Infrastructure Design Systems & Tools at Facebook Building the F8 App with React Native The technology behind preview photos YouTube Polymer @ YouTube Twitter View Source: How we built Twitter Lite Twitter Lite and High Performance React Progressive Web Apps at Scale Infinite List and React The Twitter Lite team about their use of Node.js eBay eBay’s Font Loading Strategy Beyond HTTPS Building a UI Component in 2017 and Beyond The Future of Marko The Path to JavaScript Next How Our CSS Framework Helps Enforce Accessibility Mobile First - A Retrospective Slack Rebuilding TypeScript at Slack Reb...