20 Websites To Learn You How to Code

1. codecademy.com – Interactive coding tutorials.
2. codecombat.com – Play a game and learn to code in Python and Javascript.
3. codeschool.com –  Learn web technologies by doing.
4. stuk.io – Developing your dream web application.
5. platzi.com – Live streaming classes on design, marketing and code.
6. thinkful.com – Choose a course and get assigned a mentor.
7. code.org – Learn computer science.
8. baserails.com — Master Ruby on Rails through project-based learning.
9. treehouse.com  – Get the tools to help you to succeed whether you are a beginner or an old pro.
10. onemonth.com  – Learn to build web applications in one month.
11. dash.generalassembly.com –  Learn to make awesome websites.
12. railsforzombies.org – Learn Ruby on Rails by watching videos and completing the exercises.
13. codelearn.org – Learn Ruby on Rails by creating an app right in your browser.
14. rubymonk.com – Free interactive tutorials to help you discover Ruby idioms.
15. tryruby.org – Take 15 minutes to give Ruby a chance.
16. learn-c.org – Free interactive tutorials to teach you the C programming language.
17. learnjavaonline.org – Learn the basics of Java.
18. learnpython.org – Learn the basics of Python.
19. tryhaskell.org – Learn Haskell with free interactive lessons.
20. try.jquery.com – Get the basic building blocks of jQuery by completing challenges and earning badges.
22. try.github.io – Learn Git in 15 minutes.


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