A list of podcasts of interest to iOS developers and other habitués of the Apple ecosystem
The following is a list of podcasts of interest to iOS developers and other habitués of the Apple ecosystem.
Podcast frequencies are approximate. Average length is of the past three episodes.
Corrections and suggestions, via pull request or email to vermontcoder AT gmail DOT com, are welcome.
Inactive podcasts are periodically culled but are happily re-added when appropriate.
Accidental Tech Podcast
- Description: A Perl/JavaScript developer, a former Swift developer, and an Objective-C developer discuss news from the Apple ecosystem and other topics.
- Website: http://atp.fm/
- Feed: http://atp.fm/episodes?format=Feed
- Twitter: @atpfm
- Frequency: weekly
- Average Length: 1:39:15
All Things Git
- Description: This is the "podcast about the Git version control system. [The hosts] talk to the people who build Git, who create tools for Git[,] and [who] teach people how to use it."
- Website: https://www.allthingsgit.com
- Feed: https://www.allthingsgit.com/rss.xml
- Twitter: @allthingsgit
- Frequency: approximately fortnightly
- Average Length: 29:30
App Dev Diary
- Ben Scheirman and Joe Cieplinski team up to create an app. This podcast documents their journey through ideas, sketching UI, technology choices, design tradeoffs, marketing, and more.
- Website: http://appdevdiary.com
- Feed: https://rss.simplecast.com/podcasts/5425/rss
- Twitter: @jcieplinski @subdigital
- Frequency: unknown
- Average Length: 43:35
- Description: Two Quebecois software developers discuss their work and news from the Apple ecosystem.
- Website: http://cacaocast.com/
- Feed: http://cacaocast.com/Feed
- Twitter: @cacaocast
- Frequency: intermittent
- Average Length: 1:02:43
Coding Blocks
- Description: Three .NET and Javascript developers discuss the art of programming. This is a beard-friendly podcast.
- Website: http://www.codingblocks.net/
- Feed: http://www.codingblocks.net/feed/
- Twitter: @codingblocks
- Frequency: monthly
- Average Length: 1:53:50
Contravariance. A Swift Podcast
- Description: "A podcast about Apple, Swift[,] and other programming topics", hosted by Bas Broek and Benedikt Terhechte.
- Website: https://contravariance.rocks
- Feed: https://contravariance.rocks/feed.rss
- Twitter: @_contravariance
- Frequency: approximately triweekly
- Average Length: 33:07
Core Intuition
- Description: A social-network impresario and a macOS developer discuss business and, less frequently, more-technical subjects.
- Website: http://www.coreint.org/
- Feed: http://www.coreint.org/podcast.xml
- Twitter: @coreint
- Frequency: weekly
- Average Length: 1:03:47
Einfach iOS
- Loosely translated description: A German-language podcast in which the iOS-developer hosts "talk about topics that are pertinent to iOS".
- Website: https://einfachios.de
- Feed: https://feeds.soundcloud.com/users/soundcloud:users:317689040/sounds.rss
- Twitter: @iosfranky @appentwicklervz
- Frequency: biweekly
- Average Length: 36:58
Fireside Swift
- Description: "Two buddies talk[] about a single programming concept each episode," for example optionals.
- Website: http://cast.rocks/hosting/7479/feeds/IZO76.html
- Feed: http://cast.rocks/hosting/7479/feeds/IZO76.xml
- Twitter: @swberard @zfalgout1
- Frequency: intermittent
- Average Length: 45:16
Hallo Swift
- Description: Two German iOS developers discuss iOS development.
- Website: http://hallo-swift.de
- Feed: http://feeds.soundcloud.com/users/soundcloud:users:300507271/sounds.rss
- Twitter: @hallo_swift
- Frequency: intermittent
- Average Length: 23:42
iDeveloper Podcast
- Description: A Mac and iOS developer/guru discuss Apple-software development and other topics.
- Website: http://blog.ideveloper.co
- Feed: http://feeds.ideveloper.co/ideveloperpodcast.xml
- Twitter: @macdevnet
- Frequency: intermittent
- Average Length: 31:43
- Description: An iOS developer and a 4D ninja discuss, in Serbian, Apple and related technologies.
- Website: http://www.infinitum.rs
- Feed: http://simplecast.com/podcasts/320/rss
- Twitter: @infinitumcast
- Frequency: biweekly
- Average Length: 2:20:20
Inside iOS Dev
- Description: The hosts, Alex and Andrew, talk about their experience working on a legacy codebase that supports thousands of monthly users. They discuss everything from implementing specific features, to creating flexible designs, to utilizing refactoring techniques, and more.
- Website: http://insideiosdev.com
- Feed: https://rss.simplecast.com/podcasts/2720/rss
- Twitter: @insideiosdev
- Frequency: intermittent
- Average Length: 21:15
iOS Dev Discussions
- Description: The host, Sean Allen, "[d]iscuss[es] the world of iOS Development and the latest news in Swift." The podcast features live streams and Swift News from Sean Allen's YouTube channel.
- Website: https://anchor.fm/seanallen
- Feed: https://anchor.fm/s/5971378/podcast/rss
- Twitter: @seanallen_dev
- Frequency: twice weekly
- Average Length: 28:00
- Description: A panel of iOS developers discuss one iOS-development topic per episode, usually with a guest. The intro riff is a perhaps-unintentional homage to Police guitarist Andy Summers.
- Website: https://devchat.tv/iphreaks
- Feed: http://feeds.feedwrench.com/iPhreaks.Feed
- Twitter: @devchattv
- Frequency: variable
- Average Length: 55:19
Merge Conflict
- Description: Frank and James, both cross-platform mobile developers focused on Xamarin, discuss various development topics.
- Website: http://www.mergeconflict.fm
- Feed: http://simplecast.com/podcasts/2117/Feed
- Twitter: @MergeConflictFM
- Frequency: weekly
- Average Length: 33:33
More Than Just Code
- Description: A rotating cast of iOS-developer hosts discuss news of interest to iOS developers.
- Website: http://mtjc.fm
- Feed: http://mtjc.fm/feed/podcast/
- Twitter: @mtjc_podcast
- Frequency: weekly
- Average Length: 1:31:26
The Omni Show
- Description: Brent Simmons elicits the "stories behind Omni’s award-winning productivity apps for Mac and iOS". Simmons's questions are thoughtful and non-leading.
- Website: https://theomnishow.omnigroup.com
- Feed: https://theomnishow.omnigroup.com/rss/
- Twitter: @brentsimmons
- Frequency: intermittent
- Average Length: 27:13
Programming Throwdown
- Description: Two developers discuss one software-development topic per episode, sometimes with guests. The hosts also recommend books and technologies of general software-developer interest.
- Website: http://www.programmingthrowdown.com
- Feed: http://feeds.feedburner.com/ProgrammingThrowdown
- Twitter: @NeuralNets4Life
- Frequency: intermittent
- Average Length: 1:09:12
raywenderlich.com Podcast
- Description: Two or three iOS developers and sometimes a guest discuss (usually) two iOS-development topics.
- Website: https://www.raywenderlich.com/rwpodcast
- Feed: http://www.raywenderlich.com/category/podcast/feed
- Twitter: @rwenderlich
- Frequency: biweekly
- Average Length: 40:50
Release Notes
- Description: An indie developer/entrepreneur and an iOS developer/designer/bassist/impresario discuss the business of indie product development.
- Website: https://releasenotes.tv
- Feed: https://releasenotes.tv/feed/podcast/
- Twitter: @release_notes
- Frequency: weekly
- Average Length: 37:46
- Description: Three iOS developers discuss various iOS-development topics.
- Website: http://sharedinstance.com
- Feed: http://simplecast.com/podcasts/1008/Feed
- Twitter: @sharedinst
- Frequency: intermittent
- Average Length: 36:32
Software Engineering Daily
- Description: A former developer interviews one guest per episode about topics of interest to software developers.
- Website: http://softwareengineeringdaily.com
- Feed: http://softwareengineeringdaily.com/feed/podcast/
- Twitter: @software_daily
- Frequency: daily
- Average Length: 58:09
Software Engineering Radio
- Description: Various software-developer hosts talk to various software-developer guests about a variety of software-development topics. To quote the About page, "Episodes are either tutorials on specific topics, or interviews with well-known experts from the software engineering world."
- Website: http://www.se-radio.net
- Feed: http://feeds.feedburner.com/se-radio
- Twitter: @seradio
- Frequency: biweekly to quadraweekly
- Average Length: 52:22
- Description: A bi-weekly podcast by Guilherme Rambo and John Sundell about Apple news & rumors from a developer's perspective.
- Website: https://stacktracepodcast.fm
- Feed: https://stacktracepodcast.fm/?format=rss
- Twitter: @stacktracepod
- Frequency: biweekly
- Average Length: 60:07
Supertop Podcast
- Description: Two Irish developers of an iOS app, drawing upon Ireland's tradition of amazing craftsmanship, discuss app development and sometimes interview guests.
- Website: http://supertop.co
- Feed: http://cast.rocks/hosting/2041/feeds/CQMQA.xml
- Twitter: @supertopsquid
- Frequency: intermittent
- Average Length: 43:42
Swift by Sundell
- Description: An iOS developer and a guest answer questions from listeners about Swift, iOS development, and software development generally.
- Website: https://www.swiftbysundell.com/podcast/
- Feed: https://john-sundell.squarespace.com/podcast?format=rss
- Twitter: @swiftbysundell
- Frequency: intermittent but regular
- Average Length: 47:59
SwiftCraft Podcast
- Description: Discussions with Swift experts around language features, third-party frameworks, developing for Apple platforms, and more.
- Website: https://emanleet.com
- Feed: https://emanleet.com/feed/podcast/
- Twitter: @emanleet
- Frequency: monthly
- Average Length: 50:02
Swift over Coffee
- Description: This "is a podcast that helps you keep your Swift skills up to date the easy way, hosted by Paul Hudson and Sean Allen. Each episode has news, our picks of the week, plus an open ballot where you can share your views on important topics."
- Website: https://anchor.fm/swiftovercoffee/
- Feed: https://anchor.fm/s/572fc68/podcast/rss
- Twitter: @swiftovercoffee
- Frequency: biweekly
- Average Length: 26:20
Swift Unwrapped
- Description: Two Swift developers discuss the Swift language and the evolution thereof.
- Website: https://spec.fm/podcasts/swift-unwrapped
- Feed: https://simplecast.com/podcasts/2693/rss
- Twitter: @swiftlybrief
- Frequency: biweekly
- Average Length: 37:37
The Talk Show with John Gruber
- Description: A blogger and former Perl developer discusses with a guest news from the Apple ecosystem, often addressing topics of interest to developers. Interviews with Apple executives are particularly enlightening.
- Website: http://daringfireball.net/thetalkshow/
- Feed: http://daringfireball.net/thetalkshow/Feed
- Twitter: @thetalkshow
- Frequency: intermittent but at least three times a month
- Average Length: 1:56:40
Under the Radar
- Description: Two indie iOS developers discuss the business, nuts, and bolts of indie iOS-app development.
- Website: https://www.relay.fm/radar/
- Feed: https://www.relay.fm/radar/feed
- Twitter: @_DavidSmith
- Frequency: weekly
- Average Length: 29:24
Waiting for Review
- Description: Two Daves discuss their journeys in the world of independent iOS development, from side-gigging to full time.
- Website: https://waitingforreview.com
- Feed: https://waitingforreview.com/feed/podcast/
- Twitter: @wfrpodcast
- Frequency: weekly
- Average Length: 35:55
Dearly Departed Podcasts
- CocoaRadio
- Bitsplitting
- Build and Analyze
- Build Phase
- CocoaConf
- Concepts in Code
- Consult
- Debug
- Developing Perspective
- Edge Cases
- Fatal Error
- Friday Q&A
- iDeveloper Podcast
- History of Rome
- Hypercritical
- Identical Cousins
- Import Foundation
- iOhYes
- iOSBytes
- iOS Dev Break
- iOS Dev Diary
- Janie Rants
- The Learn Swift Podcast
- Mobile & Beer
- Mobile Couch
- Notification Center
- NSBrief
- Playgrounds
- El Podcast de Aprende iOS
- The Record
- The Run Loop
- Runtime
- Springboard
- Swift Playhouse
- Swift Teacher
- SwiftCoders
- Topical
- Verbose Podcast
- Worst Case Scenario
Thanks to all the podcasts for sharing such amazing content.
Thanks to iOS Dev Weekly, Indie iOS Focus Weekly, Import Foundation, Launch Therapy, Michael Tsai, and iDeveloper Podcast for helping to publicize this list.
Thanks also to the list contributors.
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