Top 10 best mesothelioma law firms in the U.S

best mesothelioma law firms

sokolove law mesothelioma

Mesothelioma is a form of cancer develops in the lining of the lungs or abdomen, caused by asbestos, a heat resistant material that can be used in fire resistant and insulating materials.
Making a selection of a reliable mesothelioma lawyer is important, however it is not an easy task; just in the same way as the difficulty of these cases; it is hard to detect, follow the traces of asbestos exposure in the environment, evaluate the damage that has been caused by the responsible company, gather reliable proofs, and ultimately get their clients fair compensations. For this purpose, the most prestigious attorneys for mesothelioma present their services. There are renowned mesothelioma lawyers who have been known to fight for their clients. An overview of the best 10 mesothelioma lawyers is as follows.

Jim Sokolove

Jim Sokolov has got about 38 year experience in the mesothelioma cases field and during this period he has helped out about 265,289 people all over America. He is among the attorneys who has assisted in recovering about 6 Billion dollars. His law firm, Sokolove Law, takes the credit for helping people in all the 50 states of the U.S. The most common cases where he and his company have taken are related to the personal injury claims; they have provided immense legal support to their clients.
ELS Law is a firm comprises some of the best mesothelioma lawyers in the country; James F. Early, Jennifer Lucarelli, Robert J. Sweeney and Chris Meisenkothen. This is a national-level firm and it is famous for obtaining millions of dollars compensations especially for those who were exposed to asbestos at any period, and in any form, during the course of their life, and also those who are diagnosed with mesothelioma. ELS Law has sought out asbestos litigation cases for more than three decades.


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